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VAT and European customers

Customers shall be liable to Customs and Excise Duty as well as Value Added Tax (VAT) payments.

In order to avoid VAT charges, please send your Zero Rating Certificate, Exemption Certificate, or Other tax documents along side with your order.


Below are the information for EU region, customers in other region may have a similar import regulation, please check with your procuring department for details.

If an EU customer imports from a non-EU country, the customer will be liable to Customs and Excise Duty as well as Value Added Tax (VAT) payments. The amount of tax (e.g. import duty, VAT and excise) you must pay depends on the type of goods.  The VAT varies from 7.7% to 25%, or nothing (if zero rating or exemption applies) on the value of the goods. The average VAT rate of the European countries covered is 21.3 percent. Most European countries set thresholds for their VATs. This means that a business's revenue of taxable goods and services must be above a certain value before it is required to register and pay a VAT on its products.

Zero rating: Almost all countries apply preferential rates to some goods and services, making them either “zero rated” or “exempt.” For a “zero-rated good,” the government doesn’t tax its retail sale but allows credits for the value-added tax (VAT) paid on inports.

Exempting:  a good or business is “exempt,” the government doesn’t tax the sale of the goods.

Please contact us or attach a note to your order if you have a specific requirement for preparing custom documents for your order.

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01.Medium MCAO suture 40L56C
02.Fine MCAO suture 40L56C
03.Medium A MCAO suture 60L56C
04.Fine MCAO suture 60L56C
05.Medium B MCAO suture 40L56C
06.Fine MCAO suture 70L56
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